Beads in a Necklace – Family Stories from Genealogy Ensemble (eBook)


Edited by Janice Hamilton and Tracey Arial

Contributors: Lucy Anglin, Barb Angus, Tracey Arial, Marian Bulford, Janice Hamilton, Claire Lindell, Sandra McHugh, Dorothy Nixon, Mary Sutherland.

Sold By: Montreal Genealogy Ensemble


Family Stories from Genealogy Ensemble

Edited by Janice Hamilton and Tracey Arial

Contributors: Lucy Anglin, Barb Angus, Tracey Arial, Marian Bulford, Janice Hamilton, Claire Lindell, Sandra McHugh, Dorothy Nixon, Mary Sutherland.

Beads in a Necklace: Family Stories from Genealogy Ensemble contains 50 compelling short stories about the ancestors of nine Montreal-based family history enthusiasts who meet monthly to discuss the challenges of combining fiction techniques with historical facts and genealogical research.

This outstanding collection portrays the lives of cooks, farm workers, landowners, reverends, medical men, merchants and some of Quebec’s first female colonists, each of whom was somehow related to one of the book’s authors.

These ancestors lived between 1650 and 1970 and hail from Montreal and Quebec City, rural Quebec, Ontario, northern Canada, New Brunswick and other places around the world.

If you are a Montrealer, a Montrealer-at-heart, a genealogist, a creative writer, or merely the kind of person who loves reading about the lives of ordinary people whose real-life actions and relationships were discovered within piles of papers, historical photos and old newspaper clippings, Beads in a Necklace is for you.