A Step-By-Step Approach to Working With Your DNA Matches

We all get a little daunted when we see our huge number of matches for the first time. Where do you start figuring out how each one is related to you? Are there some simple tricks you can use to separate your matches into different groups? And how do you keep track of everything? These are some of the questions that will be addressed in this presentation. Maurice takes us through a simple step-by-step approach that will help you get a better grip on your autosomal DNA matches and how to make them work for you.

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Maurice Gleeson

 – a psychiatrist and pharmaceutical physician​

 – an avid genealogist with a special interest in using DNA as a tool to assist family history research​

 – project administrator for several surname projects​

 – co-administrator of the Ireland mitochondrial DNA project​

 – project administrator for the WWI Missing-In-Action Legacy Project.​

 – part-time actor
