How at-DNA and Big Y-DNA lead to the Big Surprise!

The journey started with at-DNA results of distant cousin matches and admixture estimates that evolved over time and began converging on a narrow yet unknown ancestral path, followed by more at-DNA testing and then the Big Y-DNA test, which uncovered a patrilineal MPE. A detailed review of the discovery timeline and of the documentary, methodological, and identity issues raised in this case.  A review of the advantages and disadvantages of at-DNA will be conducted, as well as using the WATO tool.

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Edward Swierczewski Jr.

Edward John Swierczewski Jr. has been a professional educator for over 30 years, researching and lecturing in Psychology and Human Services at several major universities and government agencies in New York City.  He has attended many webinars and conferences, graduated from ProGen and several SLIG and GRIP courses, and plans to earn the CG and CGL credentials.  He is the founder of Integrative Genealogy LLC and has been researching his family history for almost 30 years, and he has a deep passion for sharing his knowledge with others.  He is an award-winning genealogical writer and is the recipient of the Laura G. Prescott SLIG Scholarship.  He has presented at various genealogy venues both live and virtually, including in-person at RootsTech 2023 in Salt Lake City.Â