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The Things That Thaddeus Told Us, A Supplement to Leavitt’s History of Leeds & Grenville


Sold By: Leeds and Grenville Branch


Book by Robbie Gorr.

One of the earliest books about the history of Leeds and Grenville Counties is History of Leeds & Grenville, covering the period from 1749 to 1879, written by Thaddeus Leavitt.

If you’ve ever wondered about the origins of some of those stories, so has Canadian author and genealogist Robbie Gorr.

Over the past several years he has delved deeper into the tales told by Leavitt, and shared his research in News & Views, the newsletter of the Leeds & Grenville Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society.

Robbie Gorr’s essays are reproduced in The Things That Thaddeus Told Us, A Supplement to Leavitt’s History of Leeds & Grenville.


153 pages

ISBN No. 978-1-77381-364-6