The Underground Railroad Ends Here: Canadian Freedom for Blacks in 19th Century

The Underground Railroad brought tens of thousands of formerly enslaved men and women to eastern Canada in the 19th century. Do you have ancestors that might have been involved in the Underground Railroad as those escaping slavery or those helping assist? How do you find records of those who were involved? What was life like for those escaping slavery?

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Janice Lovelace

  • Janice Lovelace, Ph.D. is a genealogical researcher, educator, author and lecturer, with over thirty years of experience. ​
  • Dr. Lovelace is a frequent speaker at national and regional genealogy conferences on health and genetics, ethnic minority genealogy, and research methodology. ​
  • She is an instructor at the Midwest African American Genealogical Institute (MAAGI). ​
  • A retired college faculty member, Dr Lovelace authored the National Genealogical Society’s online continuing education course African American Roots: A Historical Perspective. ​